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This is my entry for this week’s Girls Talk, which is all about our courageous act of love.
I actually have two courageous acts of love. The first one involves knowing when to say goodbye and when to let go. Sometimes when a relationship is no longer working out, it is still hard to let go of it because of the history that is already there. In my case, I was married for close to 7 years already and was in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with my hubby prior to that for 5 years. So, you can imagine how much history you accumulate with a person for 12 years. Then, add two kids into the equation. It was a long and hard process just getting the courage to finally admit to myself that it was just time to let it go. It was scary, too, not knowing what the future holds for me. I knew from watching other married couples who have also separated, that I will have to go through tough times in order to get back my life again.ย However, that courageous act of love turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. I may have lost a hubby, but actually gained a friend in him.
That courageous act also paved the way for my other courageous act of love. As they say, when you close the door on something, a window opens up, and that’s exactly what happened to me. Though I wasn’t expecting to meet someone, much less fall in love again, I met Kai soon after. It was scary, knowing that it might be too soon. The fact that not everybody initially approved of it was also tough. Also, I was well aware that there are just some men out there who prey on some poor newly-separated women, and take advantage of their vulnerabilities. Those were just some of my concerns when I started dating Kai. However, I knew he was different…. that we were different. By then, I knew what I wanted and what I didn’t want, and so I just let myself go and fall in love with him. I haven’t regretted those decisions since and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

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  1. pareho pala tayo…letting go really takes a lot of courage!

  2. Sooo neat ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I’m following.

  3. thanks for your nice comment Zoan. Some things just really takes courage, I guess. ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Peach and Elisabeth,

    thanks for the comments too. I really appreciate them.

  5. this is pretty awesome. I mean,hey, it is not everyday that women like us could do such mature decisions without regretting it or without being afraid and scared for what will happen. I salute you my dear ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for visiting my site ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Its difficult to let go once there is a family and kids involved. Letting go takes a lot of courage and that is an extremely brave thing to do for at that moment you do not know what the future has in store for you.

    Thank you for sharing.. Good luck in your undertakings dearie, and be happy!

  7. Hey Travel Junkie. Thanks for the comment. It really took a lot of courage. It was really a leap of faith. ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. yikes! i thought i commented on this post already. anyways, your story is one of my favorites so far. letting go of familiar things is really hard. i’m just glad that you found a new love that you deserve ๐Ÿ™‚

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