One of my most favorite past times is reading. I collect LOTS of books. My love for reading is something that I’ve always wanted to pass on to my kids, which is why I was so happy that Zoe started reading at the age of 3. Ziya, however, had some difficulty reading at first. I know that kids develop at their own pace but it was hard not to compare her with her big sister. When Ziya was in the first grade she could already read three to four letter words but it was still a struggle. It got to a point when I started wondering if she had a reading disability. Thankfully though, she got better this past year, when she got to the second grade. It just took a lot of encouragement and practice. Now, she reads a lot too.
However, there are those cases wherein some form of intervention is needed. If left undiagnosed, a reading disability can hinder the child’s learning abilities and may prevent him/her from doing well in school. Sometimes a child doesn’t do well in school not because he doesn’t have the intelligence but because he/she can’t read. It is very important therefore, for parents and educators not only to know how to assess and determine reading difficulties but also to know what to do about it.
For those of you in this situation, you may want to attend the Readability Center Seminar Series 2011 this April and May 2011. The event is being organized by Idea Advocate Business Solutions Company and Readability Center together with
The seminar series will include the following topics:
Helping Children Overcome Reading Difficulties
The Importance of a Reading Assessment
02 April 2011, 8AM – 5PM
A reading specialist, a developmental paediatrician, a parent and a teacher will share their expertise and experiences on how Reading Assessment can be a powerful tool in helping our children and/or students overcome reading difficulties.
Seminar fee: PhP1,750
Venue: Filipinas Heritage Library, Makati Avenue, Makati City
Registration is at 8AM
Assessment and Intervention of Reading Difficulties
Part 1: Focus on Word Reading, Spelling Difficulties and Oral Reading Fluency
11-12 April 2011, 8AM – 5PM
This seminar focuses on principles & practices in assessing the difficulties children have in learning to read & spell words. From this, participants will be guided on how to understand the different types of word reading and spelling difficulties. Finally, this seminar will assist them in matching appropriate intervention strategies to address such difficulties.
This seminar includes the difficulties that prevent children from becoming fluent readers, the ways of assessing such difficulties, and the teaching strategies that develop fluency. This seminar links with the topic on word reading difficulties as these contribute to fluency problems among children. However, other possible sources of difficulties with oral reading and the intervention for them will also be discussed.
Seminar fee: PhP3,750
Venue: Walter Hogan Conference Hall, Institute of Social Order, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City
Maximum number of attendees: 40
Registration is at 8AM.
Part 2: Focus on Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension
13-14 April 2011, 8AM – 5PM
This two-day seminar is about building teachers’ understanding on how children get to understand what they read. This leads to a thorough discussion on reasons why some children have more difficulties than others in making sense of what they read. Among these reasons would be having limited vocabulary.
This seminar will guide teachers in applying practical procedures to assess vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension ability of children from elementary to high school. Finally, approaches and strategies for improving vocabulary and reading comprehension will be discussed.
Seminar fee: PhP3,750
Venue: Walter Hogan Conference Hall, Institute of Social Order, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City
Maximum number of attendees: 40
Registration is at 8AM.
Teaching Reading in the Content Areas
25 May 2011, 8AM – 4PM
One major reason why children find learning in science, social studies, and math hard is because they lack the abilities to learn from reading. Children can be taught to read for information more effectively.
This seminar discusses ways to teach students to learn content through effective reading and writing. Subject areas like Science, Social Studies, and Math require students to read and write to learn content. This seminar will enhance teachers’ knowledge and skills in planning reading and writing activities that will help students learn content better.
Seminar fee: PhP1,200
Venue: SDC Conference Hall, Social Development Center, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City
Registration is at 8AM.
Reading Forward, Planning Backwards: Applying UBD to Reading Instruction
26 May 2011, 8AM – 4PM
The educational world has been “UBDized” and schools struggle to keep up. In the struggle, reading instruction may have taken the back seat. This need not be.
Understanding by Design is the framework recently adopted in many private schools in the country with the aim of enhancing classroom that teaches not only content but life lessons that learners would use beyond the school. It is a given reality that teacher play a critical role in the implementation of this instructional paradigm, and it is but necessary that our teachers undergo training for the effective implementation of UBD.
This seminar aims to enhance the teacher’s ability to use the general principles of understanding by design (UBD) to develop and implement effective reading lessons. It aims to help teachers apply the principles of backward design to set meaningful goals for literacy learning. With this, the seminar will proceed to assisting teachers plan strategically.
Seminar fee: PhP1,000
Venue: SDC Conference Hall, Social Development Complex, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City
Registration is at 8AM.
For more information about this event, you may visit the following: or Readability Center or email: [email protected].

Very interesting blog… My two year old is the book worm in our house… BTW- I am following you from the all Week Blog Hop – from would love for you to check out my blog.
wow,this speaks to my heart. before becoming an interior decorator, i spent 10 years as a school psychologist specializing in diagnosing dyslexia and other reading disabilities. i, too, had a first child with amazing reading abilities at an early age. my second child was very different, and had little desire to read at all! she, too, is coming along, but it is difficult not to compare and contrast your own children, especially when reading is so important to you! thanks for sharing the info about the workshops.
Hi- I am a new follower from the Good Friends Just Click- Blog Hop. I love your blog! I would appreciate if you followed me back @
New follower and please visit when you have a chance
Hi there,
You shared lots of helpful information on reading… thank you. I’m following your blog via the Follow Me Back Tuesday Blog Hop.
Glad to connect with another blogger!