As a third time mom, I thought I knew everything I should expect about giving birth and what happens after bringing baby home. However, Ziggy’s birth taught me that each birth is really unique and that you can never really be certain about things because each baby is also different. I didn’t think I would be reacting differently as well.
You see, with the birth of my two daughters I never experienced the post-partum blues. You’d think I would have since I was younger then and was new to motherhood. So, going into this recent pregnancy and delivery, I never expected to have the blues either but apparently, I couldn’t escape it this time around and it really caught me off guard.
It was so unexpected. For a week after Ziggy’s birth, Kai was around all the time to help me with taking care of the baby. I was dreading that he will be going back to work last Sunday but never thought that I’d be emotional about it but turns out I couldn’t help it. I don’t know if I was just feeling overwhelmed about having a baby again after eight years or what but when Kai left, I just couldn’t help but cry knowing that the whole night nobody would be around to help me with Ziggy. In the back of my mind, I knew that I could do it but I just felt so emotional about it. I knew it was normal to have the blues but also thought that it was so stupid of me to be feeling it. But I guess, the emotional side of me won over the logical one. It’s been that way for the past three days and I bet you it would happen again tonight.
Two of my friends already told me that eating chocolates will help. I better buy myself a huge stack immediately but also be careful about gaining weight. At this point, though, I really want to get over the blues already. Any tips?

How sweet is he……..congratulations!!
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I am so sorry you are having to deal with this! I did too, after both my girls were born. I left it unacknowledged after Lefty, so when it hit again after Boo, my doc said I had a double bad dose. She put me on meds temporarily, but I would consider that a last resort!!! In the meantime, take a bit of time for you (even just 20
minutes or so in the evenings) and be sure to enjoy the time when Kai IS there to help out and provide support :-). Chocolate might make you feel worse because of weight (that was an issue with my ppd—self-image), so be careful about medicating with food!
I know this isn’t much help, but feel free to inbox me anytime if you just want to vent!