CRAZY!!!!! That is the best word to describe what the past week has been like for me. Yes, it was hectic due to the fact that I gave birth to Ziggy last Monday. Bringing the new baby home was definitely a big transition for all of us. I’ve been used to dealing with older kids for the past couple of years that having a baby after eight years has become sort of a new thing again. Still getting used to it now though I’m still feeling the baby blues, but more about that in another post.
The other reason why my week has been hectic is because Finals Week in school already started last Monday. Zoe started her exams last week but had to take additional qualifying exams yesterday because she’s vying for honors. Ziya, on the other hand, started her exams yesterday and it will last until the end of this week. Needless to say, I was busy trying to help them review while taking care of a new baby. While I am used to multi-tasking, this was particularly hard for me because I haven’t been sleeping that much and of course I’m still recuperating from the birth. The thing is, since this is the Final exams for the year, the tests cover all lessons learned since the first quarter, which started back in June. So, you can imagine how many pages their pointers for review are. The poor kids had to review all their books and notes from cover to cover. Not an easy task.
Well, I did the best I can to help the kids review. One good thing I discovered, though, was that there are loads of reviewers available online that mommies can use to help review their kids. I made use of Math and English reviewers online because the other subjects are easier to review by just using the schoolbooks. I’m just hoping all our efforts will pay off. Well, I guess, we’ll soon find out come recognition day two weeks from now. Wish us luck!
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Nice blog and nice to meet you! New follower from FMBT!
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate! Hope you are able to get some rest.
New blog hop follower
Sweet T Makes Three
Thanks Guys! Visited your blogs already. đŸ˜€