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It’s time for Week 25 of Ziggy’s Project Yearbook. This post is actually several days late because there has been a lot going on this week.
Anyway, on Week 25 Ziggy’s cough finally went away without us having to do anything. Kai and I decided not to follow the pediatrician’s prescription, which included Ventolin as well as some mild steroids. The steroids actually really scared us. I think it was a bit too overboard. We just did water therapy and nothing else, since we had to stop giving him his cough medicine after 5 days. Thankfully, Ziggy has learned to love drinking water over the course of the last couple of months. It was also great that he spits out the phlegm whenever he coughs. So goodbye cough! I hope you don’t visit again anytime soon.
Week 25 was also the first week that Ziggy tried eating carrots. I mashed them using a blender like I did the other vegetables he tried during the previous weeks. Unfortunately, I learned that carrots don’t mash well and end up being dry. So he had a little trouble with it although he still ate it that first time. Ziggy’s a real trooper! Of course, I wanted to make it easier on him and so during the next couple of days, I also gave him a spoonful of papaya in between spoonfuls of carrots so that he can swallow better. Speaking of food, we have been giving him Cerelac Brown Rice and Milk for breakfast since he first started eating almost two months ago. This week, we noticed that he’s getting tired of it already and so we decided we’ll switch to another rice cereal flavor starting next week. 
Physically, Ziggy’s back is getting stronger. He’s started to sit more upright now. He also still keeps trying to get up from a lying position by doing “sit ups”. He’s doing better with that as well. When he’s in his walker, he has also started moving his feet already. There are times when he can move the walker backwards on his own though he doesn’t do it that often yet. Oh, and he’s become more talkative as well, to think that he was already really talkative to begin with. It can get really noisy at home whenever he’s awake. He surely is one active and curious boy.
Oh, and I just realized I haven’t written about his favorite lullaby yet. I love singing to him and started doing so when he was still in the womb. When Ziggy was born, I started to sing to him whenever I’m putting him to sleep. I usually sing my favorite songs and seldom sing regular lullabies. One of those songs is Close to You by The Carpenters. There was one time when I sang that song over and over and I noticed that he fell asleep faster. Kai then decided to upload the song on our cellphones. So, whenever we’re trying to make him sleep we just play it. It works like magic!!!! Even in the car! I don’t know what it is about that song that he likes so much. Maybe he knows that it is my special song for him. I really feel that when he was born, the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true. Ziggy is my dream come true!
Anyway, here are Ziggy’s Week 25 photos:
On this Day 169 photo, Ziggy had just woken up. 
On Day 170, we went to the mall to do the groceries. There was a nearby Jollibee branch. Jollibee is the counterpart of McDonald’s in the Philippines. Most kids love Jollibee because he’s just so cute but Ziggy doesn’t seem to think so in this photo.

For Day 171, guess what Ziggy is doing in this photo. He’s sucking on his toes! The firs time I saw him do this   I was amazed and surprised. I see most babies sucking their toes by lying down and putting their legs up. Ziggy bends down from a sitting position until his mouth reaches his feet!

On the Day 172 photo below, Ziggy was actually very cranky. Daddy Kai decided to take him to the balcony/garden area behind our house. For some reason, going to the balcony always calms him down.
The photo below was taken in the afternoon of Day 173. I started letting Ziggy sleep on the sofa bed in our living room during his afternoon naps. This is mainly because Kai has to have his sleep in the bedroom uninterrupted since he works nights. Letting Ziggy sleep in the living room allows me to keep an eye on him while Ziya and I have our homeschool sessions in the dining room. Plus, it lets Ziggy and Kai both sleep in peace.

 This Day 174 photo was taken when we were just goofing around.

Finally, for Day 175 I took a photo of Ziggy with another one of Ziya’s stuffed toys. She just loves sharing  them with Ziggy and he just loves holding them.
Ziggy will be celebrating his 6th month birthday on Week 26. I can hardly wait! It has been half a year already. Oh my!!!!

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  1. You have a beautiful family! I am stopping by on the Sit & Relax Blog Hop and am following along via Facebook, Twitter, GFC, Networked Blogs and even voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs & Top Mommy Blogs!:)


  2. LOVE your blog! I’m now following! Please check out my blog at:

    XoXo Nicole Mariana

  3. Super cute pics of Ziggy! I’m a new follower through the weekend blog hop! check me out and follow back at http://materialgirlgreen.blogspot.com

    p.s/ I LOVE your blog design!!

  4. This is such a good idea! He’s so cute. Thanks for stopping by the Sit and Relax hop. Have a great week!

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