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Two nights ago I had a really bad night. I hardly got any sleep because Ziggy had a difficult time sleeping. Usually when he wakes up at night, it’s just to drink his milk and he falls asleep right after. Actually, he even falls asleep before he finishes the whole bottle. However, two nights ago, he wasn’t very interested in his milk at all and couldn’t sleep unless I carry him and dance him around first. At first I thought he’d fall asleep soundly after the first dance routine but I was wrong.
Ziggy kept waking up every few minutes or so and the only way to make him fall asleep again was to repeat the dance routine. I’d place him down on the bed a few minutes after he falls asleep only to have him wake up again after a while. Oh, it was horrible! It was probably the hardest night I’ve had with Ziggy so far. I woke up really groggy and with a terrible, terrible headache plus a really, really a bad mood. During the day, it got worse. I suddenly felt pain on my knees, all the way down to my feet. It made it really difficult to carry Ziggy for a long period of time. It was even difficult to stand up or to sit down. It’s not the kind of pain that would warrant a visit to the emergency room. It’s more of a throbbing pain that just won’t go away, until now. I don’t know if it’s actually related at all with my really bad night but since it happened after that night then it probably is. 
That’s why I feel like I must be getting old. Kai says it’s probably due to lack of exercise and the fact that carrying a 23 pound baby must be taking a toll on me. Well, okay, maybe so, but this probably wouldn’t be happening if I was younger. Fine, I’m only 32 years old at the moment and I don’t really feel old most of time. In fact, I’m loving my age and I have never been one of those who dreaded getting older. However, right now I really feel like I must be getting old. If this is what getting older feels like then I gotta do something about it. I need to stay in shape!

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1 Comment

  1. Wow, this sounds just like my little man! He’s 3 1/2 months old and having trouble staying asleep…unless of course he is on my chest or daddy is rocking him. Once we lay him down though – it’s over and we have to start again. Makes for very long sleepless nights.
    I turned 30 this year and every time something hurts I say I am getting old! I guess you are as young as you feel and sometimes I feel like I’m 70. LOL
    Following you from So Followed Saturday blog hop. 🙂

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