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I’ve been blogging for almost two years now. When I started, I really didn’t know much about how to start blogging. So, I asked for advice from the only blogger I personally knew back then. I also searched for help on the Internet. Now, I’ve been receiving inquiries from friends of mine who have read this blog and are also interested to build their own. I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you what I’ve learned about starting a blog or a website. 
Before you start a blog or website, here are 5 simple things you should consider:
1. Deciding on a Theme
Ask yourself what you want your blog or website to be about. There are many blogs out there but in order to differentiate yourself you may want to find a niche. There are blogs about parenting, travel, movies, finance, health and wellness, and a whole lot more. You may focus on something you’re good at or are truly passionate about. If you want your blog to last, you have to be able to write a lot about your chosen theme.
2. Picking a Name

Just like any other brand, your blog or website has to have a name. Don’t just pick any random name. Take a clue from your theme. Make sure that it’s something unique yet understandable. If you want people to remember your blog, a unique name helps but not if it’s too weird, too hard to spell or understand. Also consider getting your own domain name (URL). While it’s not necessary in the beginning, especially if you don’t intend to monetize, a domain name helps people find your blog. A blog with its own domain is also more preferable for companies or businesses who may want to advertise. 
3. Choosing a Platform

There are a number of blog or website platforms you can choose from. Two of the most popular ones are Blogger and WordPress. Both are user-friendly. Blogger is free of charge. However, since you don’t own your site, you really don’t have much control over it. Wordpress, on the other hand, is more suited for those who intend to monetize their blog or use the site to conduct business. It has a free version but it has a lot of limitations. If you want more free reign on a WordPress blog, then you’d need to pay for blog hosting. 
4. Writing, Writing, Writing
In order for people to like and keep coming back to your blog, you’d have to have very good content. Know who your readers are and anticipate the topics that they’d want to read about and write about those. Update your blog as often as you can. If you don’t, your readers might forget about you. Be honest and unique. People can spot a copycat. Readers are also interested to read about your point-of-view and so don’t be shy about sharing them.
5. Marketing Your Blog

Remember that your blog is a brand. It is very necessary to market it. There are many marketing strategies you can employ. One is joining blogger groups. Blogger group members are encouraged to support each other. You can also utilize social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. Aside from these, you can network by visiting and commenting on other blogs. Another popular option is to host a giveaway on your blog.
These are the most basic things that you should consider before starting your own site. A blog or website is not really that hard to set up on your own. However, if you want more help, you can check out this site http://www.hereshowtomakeawebsite.com/ for assistance. 

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