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I am a summer girl at heart! I love the summer because our days are laid back. On most mornings, I can afford to sleep in at least for an additional one hour. Oh, precious, precious sleep! 
During the summer, I don’t need to worry about cooking breakfast early, waking up my kids and rushing them to get ready for school. I don’t need to worry about whether they have clean and pressed uniforms or about what I have to cook for their lunch at school. I don’t need to think about my kids doing homework. 
During the summer, we are free to schedule our days however we want to. One such day happened yesterday. We had errands scheduled for the day and planned to leave very early in the morning as soon as hubby got home from work. However, I took my sweet time getting up from bed. Haha! Texted my hubby that I was too lazy to cook breakfast. Thankfully, he suggested that we can just have breakfast out. Woohoo! I was so happy.
I took the opportunity to take a photo of myself during the car ride. Haha! Vain much!
Anyway, on the way to do our first errand, we stopped by at McDonald’s for breakfast. It has been a while since we’ve had breakfast out on a weekday.  I had a Sausage McMuffin meal with a hashbrown and brewed coffee, of course. Yummy-ness! I’ve missed breakfast at McDonald’s.
The kids were pretty happy too. I know my girls are already happy for the fact that it’s summer vacation. But I know that they’re happy too just to be out with us doing errands because they don’t usually get to go with us during the weekdays since they’re in school the whole day. Here are the kids goofing around at McDonald’s.
We accomplished so much that morning. We dropped something off at my mom’s house. We did the groceries. We took care of some applications at the Sun shop to upgrade our current plan. By the time we finished it was lunch time already. So, we decided to have lunch before we headed home.
We decided to have lunch at Rice Pots in BF Homes since we were in the area already. I’ve blogged about our first experience eating there before. Back then it was just hubby, me and Ziggy who ate there. The food tastes really good. Good value for money too. We noticed that they have a promo now and decided to take advantage of that. You get a free rice pot (any variant) when you order two viands. So, we ordered Lemon Chicken, Fish with Tofu and got a free Yang Chow fried rice. We thought it wouldn’t be enough for all of us so we decided to order the Crispy Pancit Canton too. For our drinks, we ordered Milk Tea.
Here’s the spread.
Oh my gosh! It was a lot for a family of two adults and three kids. We could have done away with the Pancit Canton. We ended up taking most of the Pancit Canton home because we were already so full with just the viands and rice. Let me tell you though, everything tasted so yummy! The girls really enjoyed it and ended up eating a lot more than they usually do. I highly recommend this place.
We went home after that. Hubby and I still had work to do that night so we could’t stay out the entire day. But it’s okay. Despite the errands, the day was a relaxing, lazy summer day. I love it!
Don’t you love summer days too?

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