There’s this writing workshop I want to join and it’s happening on March 19 – 20, 2011. I found out about it from a Facebook post of a friend of mine. The workshop is called “WWW – What To Write On The Web: A Writing Workshop That Works! A professional writer, PR person and blogger, Jude Cartalaba, will be holding the workshop and he’ll have other guest speakers as well.
I really want to join especially since I’d like to be a professional writer soon. The problem is I still don’t know if I’ll be able to because I haven’t even given birth yet. I already had to pass up on another writing workshop two weeks ago because I had to go out of town. So, I thought I should just pass this information to all you guys in Manila who might be interested. Good luck!

Thank you so much for the compliment. It’s truly nice to know that someone likes my writing.
I understand what you’re saying about having too much on my plate. It’s pretty overwhelming at times. I gotta have time to relax some time. đŸ˜€
I know how you feel. You want to take advantage of all these opportunities, but you don’t want to spread yourself too thin.
I am taking a writing course, and I had to ask for an extension. I am now blogging and have seen some other writing opportunities, too, like this one.
I get stressed when I have too much on my plate so I have to be picky about adding more.
Good luck with your baby
By the way, I love your writing. It’s real!
Rebecca G.