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My life has been super busy since Ziggy was born and it’s easy to just forget about other things besides household chores and parenting. But this week is Holy Week and we should remember the importance of this  week to us Christians. I’ve always had a strong faith in God and in Jesus. In times of hardship, my faith is the one thing there is that I know I can always count on. 
As I reflect about the significance of Holy Week, the most important thing I remember is Jesus’ sacrifice. He sacrificed his life for mankind. Very few people are big enough and brave enough to do something like that. It must have been scary for him but his faith in God was enough to get him through everything. Realizing this makes me put my current life in perspective. 
I have been debating about continuing to stay home with the kids or going back to work in order to contribute to the family income. My motivation for wanting to work is that, with three kids, expenses keep piling up and I didn’t want to put too much burden on my hubby’s shoulders for that, no matter how willing he is. On the other hand, staying home with the kids gives me an opportunity to be more hands-on in their growing up years, something I haven’t been able to do as much as I wanted to when I was working full time. Both choices has its pros and cons and I find myself unable to make a final decision. 
The thing is, I realized, whatever I decide, I will have to sacrifice something one way or another. Decision-making is difficult not knowing what the future holds. I guess, one way to decide is to figure out what I’m willing to sacrifice. Do I sacrifice precious time with my kids for the prospect of earning? Or do I sacrifice the prospective earnings for time spent child-rearing? To some of you, this may sound like an easy choice to make but to me, at this point in our life as a family, it’s not. Hopefully, though, the answer will come to me soon. All I have to do now is pray and trust in God that everything will turn out fine.

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  1. dropping by via TMP Saturday blog hop-beautifully said. You are right, when the time is right you’ll know what you should do 🙂

  2. Hi there!
    I’m your newest follower!

    Hope that you’ll follow back! 🙂


  3. Stopping by from the Blog Hop. Looking forward to getting to know the mom pledge blogs and moms better.

  4. I love how honest this is. I’ve both worked and stayed home. Good luck finding your way–I know you’ll end up at the right place!

  5. Such a difficult decision. I have gone back and forth on this one as well and have worked and not worked and worked and not worked and each decision was right at the time. Good luck!

  6. hmm..sounds like we are in the same boat mommy:) Better acknowledge God on everything we do and He will order our ways perfectly..Godbless!

  7. either way you decide, you’ll all be fine. nice to meet you through Sanity’s Overrated blog hop =)

  8. Oh Ice, that is a hard decision for all of us mothers to make. I will pray that God guides you and you find peace with your decision! Have a Blessed Easter!

  9. Newest follower- getting caught up on my blog hopping. Better later than never. Please return the favor and visit me too.

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