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This is my entry to the Techie She Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways Week 20. This week’s prize is $10 from Swexie of Khakiness.
I knew the time will come when I’ll be in the position I am in right now. I am torn and yet in my heart I know what the right thing to do is.
You see, I’ve been a work-at-home mom for a year and 2 months now. I resigned from my job when I got pregnant with Ziggy because the travel to and from work was taking quite a toll on me and the work stress was just too much. The fact that I also had two bleeding episodes during the first trimester was enough to make me want to stay home. It was a big sacrifice for the whole family for me to give up my income like that but the hubby was sweet enough to take on the financial responsibility for as long as he can. It was hard but we survived. Yet, just surviving is not the way we want to live our life.
I was hoping I wouldn’t have to return to work again. I prayed that opportunities will come that will allow me to continue just working from home. There have been opportunities but they weren’t enough to give me as much income as I was earning back then. So, as hard as it is to accept the truth, I have decided to go back to work. I’ve already submitted an application for a job in an industry that I’ve never been in before. I have yet to be interviewed and so that’s what I am waiting for now. If things go as they should, I’d be back to work in no time.
It makes me sad to know that I won’t be by Ziggy’s side day in and day out anymore. We will need to find him a nanny. I don’t know if we can even find one who is competent enough. I am trying not to think of all the horror stories I’ve heard about nannies. I have some horror stories of my own too from Zoe and Ziya’s previous nannies. But, at this point, there is really no hope of me staying home so I’d have to trust God that He will not allow my kids to be harmed while I work. Going to work will also mean that I would have to stop homeschooling Ziya. She’ll go back to regular school with Zoe. She’s not going to be too happy about that but at least she’ll have her friends there and I’ll still supervise her homework. 
I’m trying not to be so negative but it just breaks my heart. Ultimately, though, all of us have sacrifices to make. I just hope we have made the right decision. 

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  1. your kids are so cute! good luck on your job application! trust in God, and pray that you be enlightened to make the best decisions for your family.

    thanks for joining the giveaway. good luck! =)

  2. that’s sad to know but just look at the brighter side – it’s for their future. other parents are not so lucky as you are because in order for them to earn for their family, they need to go abroad and be away for months, even years. a few hours a day to work ain’t that bad compared to what they (have to) endure.

    anyway, thanks for joining in the week 20 of the giveaways janice. good luck and regards!

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