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I know, there’s no spring season here in our part of the world. However, we still do spring cleaning. In our family, that usually happens during the summer vacation, which is why we did some spring cleaning yesterday. The girls have been out of school since Wednesday and one of the projects we assigned them to do is to clear out all the junk in their room and segregate which ones they need to throw out, want to keep and want to sell. I figured it’s the perfect time to finally hold the garage sale we’ve been wanting to have since last summer. It didn’t push through then because Ziggy was just a month old and taking care of him took most of my time. There’s so much junk here at home and it’s driving me crazy!
Anyway, of course, Kai and I had to sort our stuff as well. Oh, it broke my heart to have to sell some of my stuff. I have to sell most of  my old pairs of jeans because they don’t fit me anymore. Although I did lose all of the baby weight after giving birth to Ziggy, I did not lose the weight I gained prior to getting pregnant. So, keeping all those clothes that don’t fit me anymore is just not practical. It also doesn’t do anything good to my self-esteem. Seeing them just makes me feel depressed that I can’t go back to my old size yet. I decided to sell them so that I can buy new things that will actually fit me now. Hopefully, that will give me some self-confidence back.

I also sorted out all of Ziggy’s baby stuff. We decided to sell the baby clothes and shoes already since they don’t fit Ziggy anymore, plus a lot of them were hand-me-downs anyway. I did save some of Ziggy’s really nice baby clothes though, for sentimental purposes.  We figure that if and when we do decide that we can afford to have another baby that we’ll just buy new stuff again.

We’re planning on having the garage sale this weekend. I still have a lot to do to prepare for it. I still have to go through all the items for sale, segregate them into categories and put price tags on them. So, having said that, I expect to be very busy during the next several days. I might not be able to go online or blog as much, if at all. But, I promise I’ll be back soon. Wish us luck on our garage sale. Let’s hope we earn A LOT!

Ice Signature

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  1. I love garage sales! Our family all gets together for one massive sale in the middle of April so I’m in the middle of preparing for that one too. It’s a crazy huge sale! We are keeping all of our baby clothes until we are done having kids, partly because we don’t find out what we are having, and partly because we are currently pregnant again. Plus I figure if I wait until we are done having babies, we will have even more stuff and really get tons of people there!

    New email, gfc, networked, facebook and twitter follower from Weekend Gathering Hop.

    (Mommy of One and Counting)

  2. How old are your girls Zoe and Ziya? Payton is six years old. Our Summer break does not start in the states until June but maybe the girls could be pen pals? Payton is quarter Filipino and has many relatives that still live there in the Philippines. However, she has never been. I’d love for her to learn more about her culture and make some new friends.

    You could send me your address in an email at [email protected]


  3. Good luck with the garage sale!! Hope it goes well!

  4. Allison, that’s a great idea! That would be such a great way for my girls to learn more about the U.S. too. 😀 Will email you in a bit.

  5. Congratulations on your baby, Shannon. That’s a good strategy on the garage sale. I think we’re done with having babies so it’s about time for us to get rid of the baby stuff already. Thanks for following! 😀

  6. Megan, Kim and Marz, thanks for visiting and for your comments. I appreciate it. 😀

  7. hmmm.. been doing cleaning mysef. i decided to dispose of old and dusty books.. 😀

  8. Great post! Very interesting and informative. Hope you could share another article. Keep it up!

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