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The girls and I slept late on Tuesday night because it took us a while to finish wrapping their books and notebooks with plastic wrap. Nevertheless, they were still able to get enough sleep and were really excited to go to their new school the next day. However, we waited and waited and waited but their school bus never came. I later found out that the school bus driver forgot to pick them up because their names were given to him only the day before. Duh!
Anyway, Kai and I had no choice but to take them to and from school. Luckily, Kai had already come home from work. Still, Zoe and Ziya came to school late on their first day. What a way to start the school year all because of a forgetful school bus driver! I just hope that this never happens again.
The girls came home very excited to tell us about their first day. It’s their first time in a big school and so everything is so new to them. Thankfully, they both made one new friend each. They enjoyed the first day because they played games in class. The first three days are actually just orientation days so I imagine it being really easy and fun for them still. I am really hoping they’ll love this new school of theirs so that they can continue to excel in their studies.
Good luck to you, Zoe and Ziya! Here’s to a wonderful new school year!

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