Last Saturday, we attended a really nice and intimate wedding. It was the wedding of Jeff and Trina. Trina is actually my hubby’s friend, former workmate and one of Ziggy’s ninangs (godmother). I was really excited to go because I’m really happy for Trina and at the same time it was the first time that the five of us (me, hubby and kids) will be going to a wedding together. Plus, the wedding was going to be held in Rosemont Gardens in Laurel, Batangas, which has a really nice view of the Taal Volcano and Tagaytay.
Another thing I was excited about was the fact that Ziya was one of the two flower girls. This was her second time to be a flower girl. However, it was only my first time to see her be one. You see, her first flower girl gig was for a wedding of her dad’s brother-in-law, which happened two or three years ago. (To those of you who don’t know or who are reading this blog for the first time, her dad and I are separated and he has another family now too.) So, of course, I wasn’t invited to that wedding and didn’t get to see my little girl walk down the aisle. Oh well. Life! At least, it wasn’t her wedding. Haha!
Anyway, here are some photos of Rosemont Gardens. Warning, photos galore!
This is the front garden. The driveway is on the left side of this and is actually very steep. Only expert drivers, in my opinion, should brave it.
This is the view of the front part of the venue. The place has about three rooms and a bathroom on the first floor.
This is what you will see when you enter the first floor. There’s a living room, dining area and a small kitchen. to the right would be a staircase leading to the loft. The loft area also has a few bedrooms to the side. The loft is where the make-up artist and hair stylist did their magic on the entourage.
Beyond the dining area is a sliding door leading to a wrap-around balcony and this is the view you’ll see. It looks small here on the photo, but can you see the Taal Volcano?
This is the entrance to the reception area. This is located just along the driveway, a few feet away from the main entrance of the venue.
Here’s where the bride and groom sat during the reception. Actually this was the area where they had the wedding rites as well, which wasn’t the plan. You see, it rained really hard just when the wedding was about to start and so they had to move the wedding area from the garden to this area too. It was really too bad because the wedding area was really nice. You’ll see photos of it later below.
This is the buffet area.
This is the presidential table, which I think is just so pretty. I love it so much! Lucky Ziya was able to join the rest of the entourage here.
This was supposed to be the stairs leading to the garden wedding area. I took this photo just when the entourage was about to start walking and right before the rain started falling.
This was supposed to be the wedding area. The groom and her best man were already standing there waiting when the rain fell. Too bad really. But in the end, the staff at the venue were able to transport the chairs, flowers and other decor to the reception area and the wedding was held there successfully. That’s the most important thing anyway.
Finally, here are photos of us. Here’s my flower girl, Ziya. Isn’t she cute? I’m so proud! I finally got to see her as a flower girl. It was really a big deal for me because I don’t think she’ll be able to be a flower girl anymore next time. She’s already 10. Next time, she’ll probably be picked as a junior bridesmaid already.
This is the first wedding Ziggy has been too. As expected, he was running around all over the place the entire time we were waiting for the wedding to start. I guess, he got so exhausted coz he fell asleep right when the wedding was starting. He only woke up when the reception was about to begin! Look at him here. He’s such a big boy already. I can hardly believe it.
Of course, Zoe was with us too! Here are my three kids together. Zoe’s looking like a little lady already. I guess, I shouldn’t be so surprised. She’s already 11 after all.
Of course, we had to have the mandatory family photo, especially since this is the first wedding we’ve been to as a family of five. This was taken at the balcony area. I love it! I’m wearing a new halter dress that I got from Catalogue 63. It’s the second item I’ve bought from the shop and I really, really like it. I bought it on sale too! 
What’s a wedding nowadays without a photo booth, right? Here’s my favorite one.
I was expecting it to be a hectic day because we had all three kids in tow. I was right! However, it was really, really fun too. It was a nice event to experience as a family. Despite the rain, the wedding was really nice and intimate. I’m so happy for Trina and Jeff! Best wishes to them!

Enjoyed reading this! thank you for writing about our wedding in your blog. we are happy to know you enjoyed despite the erratic weather.
ziggy was such a trooper too! I was told he said hi to everyone and even shook Jeff’s hand when he first arrived! my inaanak is really a big boy na.
Hey Trina! Glad you liked the post.
Yup, Ziggy’s such a big boy na and he really was shaking everybody’s hands. One of the guys there even made a comment and said Ziggy will be a good politician one day. Haha! I hope not.
Congrats again to you and Jeff!