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Yesterday, we had no plans at all to go malling. The plan was that hubby and I were going to take the three kids for breakfast at McDonald’s after which we will take Zoe and Ziya back to their dad’s house before we run errands. The girls actually spent an extra day with us because of the holiday yesterday. So, we actually had a long weekend with them. Hooray!


This is what long weekends are made of!

So, anyway, the plan after dropping off the girls was to go somewhere to get Ziggy a hair cut and go for some quick grocery shopping. Normally, we’d do this somewhere near our house so that we can come back before or after lunch. That way, hubby can take the whole afternoon to sleep before going to work. But, that’s not exactly what happened yesterday.


While in the car, hubby suddenly asked if I wanted to go to SM Mall of Asia instead. I was surprised because while it wasn’t too far from our place, it wasn’t exactly nearby. But I went ahead with it because who was I to say no to malling? Haha! I take every opportunity that I can to get out of the house and I must say being able to do so any time we feel like it is such a blessing. It’s one of the perks of my being a WAHM. I love it!


The first thing we did when we arrived was to get Ziggy a hair cut. We went to Bruno’s. Our usual barber shop closed down recently so, we were really scouting for an alternative. Ziggy, as expected, did not want to sit on the chair alone so he sat on the hubby’s lap as usual. I stood in front of them and had Ziggy’s favorite Curious George episode playing on our tablet to keep him preoccupied. As it turned out, we didn’t need the video at all. Ziggy didn’t cry, thank God! It’s the second consecutive time he didn’t cry while having his hair cut. He really is growing up already.


Rockin’ his new haircut as usual!


We walked around and had lunch after that. Then we headed to the back of SM MOA because Ziggy wanted to see the boats out on the sea. You gotta admit that while the water is polluted, there’s still something about the view that amazes people, especially during sun set.



But my most favorite photo of the day is this one. I just love sentimental photos of my boys. Makes my heart all warm inside.





After that, we were supposed to go already but Ziggy saw those big jumpy-jumpy things in the mall (what do you call them?). He really wanted to go and play there. He was staring at it from the second floor railing looking down. We couldn’t resist. So, we caved. And guess who had to go in with him? Yep, me.


The thing is, I’ve never been in one. I’ve never wanted to be in one. Something about those things scare me. I keep picture kids unintentionally hitting each other while they’re all inside jumping around. Chaos! But, there’s a first time for everything and I would do anything for my boy. So, off we went.




And here we were removing our shoes. Oh, little did I know how the experience will turn out to be the most tiring workout ever! It cost me P100 for only 30 minutes but my gosh, it felt like more than that. Ziggy kept wanting to go up and down the slides. And he wanted me to go up and down the slide too. As if that wasn’t enough, I was losing my mind trying to keep the bigger kids from trampling on my baby. Chaos, indeed.


Because everyone was jumping around, the poor hubby couldn’t get a decent photo except for one. This one. It doesn’t look like it here but I was already super EXHAUSTED at this point. But for the sake of a good photo opp, here we were. Hahaha!


Had fun but I’m not doing this again any time soon!


It was still fun though. I’m super glad to have experienced that with Ziggy. I never got the chance to do that with my girls when they were little. Makes me excited (and nervous!) thinking about what other adventures we’ll have in the future.


It was a really nice day. In the end, hubby told me he applied for a leave that day and it was approved. So, we got to spend the entire day with him. He even cooked dinner – this amazing pan fried pork liempo with mashed potatoes and gravy and a side of steamed vegetables. So yummy! I’m so blessed to have a hubby who loves to cook.




It was an unexpected and unplanned day. So unlike the super OC me. It wouldn’t have been possible if I wasn’t a WAHM. And it wouldn’t have been possible if I my hubby wasn’t so spontaneous. I am so blessed!





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  1. I’m usually very OC about trips — even day outs in malls. But I like unplanned family days very now and then. Letting things happen as they happen has a relaxing effect. It sure looks like you guys enjoyed the day!
    Kim @ Mom On Duty recently posted…Répondez s’il vous plaît!My Profile

    1. We really did enjoy the day! Thanks for visiting my blog, Kim. 🙂
      Janice Lim recently posted…Impromptu Family DateMy Profile

  2. It’s bliss to be out and bonding with the family. I’m sure you enjoyed each and every minute of it.
    Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen recently posted…Stone Crab Claw Dipping SaucesMy Profile

  3. Lucky girl! I wish my husband would also cook for me! But he’s a great provider in other ways as well so I won’t complain 😀 I never say “no” to when the husband makes yaya to the mall. It rarely happens! So go lang ng go!
    Roxi | Mr. Jacob’s Mom recently posted…Increase Your Milk Supply: Lactation CookiesMy Profile

  4. Impromptu dates and family trips always turn out to be the best ones. Here’s to our amazing WAHM schedules that allow us the freedom to do these things with our families! 🙂
    Patty recently posted…Halloween Events in the South!My Profile

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