Roller Coaster Ride is turning 4 on November 30. Yay! Where did the time go? It just seems like yesterday when I first started this blog. I still marvel at how amazing this blogging journey has been to me.
This blog is the one responsible for my freelance writing career. Through blogging, I’ve met a lot of my closest friends today. It has also enabled me to work with brands I love. All of these things I owe to all of you loyal readers who continue to visit this space of mine on the web. Allow me to thank you now with a fantastic giveaway sponsored by one of the brands I’ve been loyal to these past several years, Belle De Jour by Viviamo Inc.!
I’ve been a Bella for years now, ever since I first started using their awesome Belle De Jour Power Planners. Last year though, Viviamo Inc., the creators of BDJ, introduced me to one of their other planners called the Everything is Possible planner. If you’ve been a loyal reader, you’d know that they sponsored a giveaway of an EIP planner here last December. And as if the title of this post is not yet a dead giveaway…. YES, they’re sponsoring another one this year to help me celebrate Roller Coaster Ride’s blogoversary. Thank you so much to my BDJ family!
The 2015 Everything is Possible Planner

But first, for the benefit of those unfamiliar to EIP, let me tell you more about it.
Everything is Possible is a tribute to the talented and creative people surrounding us, who help us do what we love and who remind us to keep at it! The 2015 EIP planner aims to ask this question: “If there is one thing you want to leave behind as your legacy, what would that be?” Scattered throughout its pages are the Braille characters for the word “possible” to remind us that we are able to achieve anything we set our minds to.
Apparently, Viviamo has identified me as one of the bloggers who aim to leave a legacy and that’s why they say they’ve decided to partner with me specifically for this planner. That was so touching, really. I am so pleased that at least some people think of me in that way. Haha!
But in all seriousness, I’ve been using the 2014 EIP planner since they gave it to me last year. I love it! In fact, you’ll see my EIP planner on lots of my WAHM-related posts on Instagram (follow me!). It has definitely made me a lot more organized and more focused on my goals this year, especially on my writing career. Let me explain how by sharing the features of the EIP planner to you.

The 2015 EIP has 192 full-color pages, is 5.6in wide by 7.9in tall, has an expandable back pocket, and comes in a matte-laminated hard cover. The planner is packed with:
- A special weekly layout for your weekly priorities
- Mantras to keep you on-track in your mission
- Micro Actions to guide you in your goals
- Wheel Of Life to help you assess your life focus
- Year End Workbook to document the things you’ve achieved and learned
Now let me show you the inside pages.
Goals Pages
I love that the EIP planner has several pages wherein you can list down your goals. It just makes it easier to achieve them when you can see them all written down, right? There are even separate pages for your Personal, Financial, Health and Career goals. You can even list down the steps you have to take to achieve those goals. It really helps to make everything possible!
What’s new for the 2015 version though is that they’ve added some more goals pages. Now you can segregate your goals among three categories: Small Goals, Far Reaching Goals, and Goals for Leaving a Legacy. Now, that’s being organized!
Things I’m Grateful For Pages
Some times, we need to list down our blessings so as to remind us of them when the going gets tough. This year, EIP brings back the Things I’m Grateful For pages.
Things I Love Pages
There are also times when we need to list down the things that make us happy, those that make our day.
Priority List
The priority list is for your biggest goal. Here you list down the steps you need to take to achieve it and their corresponding start date and success date.
Notes and Year End Workbook
There are many other returning features that will allow you to track your progress. But if those are not enough, there are lots of notes pages at the back that you can write on. The Year End Workbook, on the other hand, is where you write what you have achieved for the year.
Month View
There’s a month view available at the beginning of each month. I love that beside it there’s one inspirational quote that will motivate you to start the month right. There’s also space to list down your priorities for the month and the daily habits you want to work on.
Weekly Layout
I love the weekly layout because with just one look, I already know which days will be hectic. On top, just below the dates, you can even list down the 3 major things you have to do on that day. I use this to pencil in my article deadlines. It makes it easier for me to keep track of work priorities. On top of the page, there are these life mantras that help keep you motivated to achieve your goals.
The rest of the page is for you to list down your schedule or your to-do list. The great thing about this is that the time stamps are printed lightly so that you can ignore them if you want to.
I love this planner and it has truly been a very useful tool to jump start my writing career this year. I’m sure the 2015 EIP will do the same for you guys too!
Now, why not win a copy for yourself! Here are the giveaway mechanics:
- Participants must be a Philippine resident with a valid Philippine address.
- Viviamo Inc. will be responsible for shipping the prize to the winner.
- There will be one (1) winner of a 2015 Everything is Possible planner.
- Winner will be drawn randomly and will be notified via email.
- Winner has two (2) days to respond to the said email. I reserve the right to draw another winner if I don’t receive a reply within two days.
- Giveaway will start on November 17, 2014 and end on November 30, 2014.
To join, earn entries by following the instructions below:
Mandatory Entry: (1 entry)
On the comment section below this post, answer this question: “What’s that one big goal you’ll work on in 2015?”. Include your Full Name and email address. Also include your social media usernames and links to your social media shares if you choose to do the additional entries.
Additional Entries:
- Follow Roller Coaster Ride on Facebook (1 entry)
- Follow Belle de Jour on Facebook (1 entry)
- Follow Roller Coaster Ride on Twitter (1 entry)
- Follow Belle de Jour on Twitter (1 entry)
- Follow Roller Coaster Ride on Instagram (1 entry)
- Follow Belle de Jour on Instagram (1 entry)
- Share the giveaway on Facebook. Copy and paste the following message on FB and don’t forget to tag Roller Coaster Ride and BDJ. (1 entry): “Achieve your goals with the 2015 Everything is Possible planner from @BelledeJourPlanner and @RollerCoasterRide. Join the #giveaway now! #PerksofaBella”
- Tweet about the giveaway (1 entry): “WIN a 2015 Everything is Possible planner from @BDJBuzz and @RollCoasterMom. Join now! #PerksofaBella”
For more information about the Everything is Possible planner and other Viviamo Inc. products, visit Good luck on the giveaway!
UPDATE as of Dec. 5, 2014
I’d like to thank the 71 people who joined this giveaway. Thank you!!!
There were a total of 371 entries but in the end only one can win.
And the winner is ……..
Congratulations to THERESA CRUZ – ESCAROS! 🙂
I want to work more on my writing skills! I will take blogging more seriously =)
Donna Donor
[email protected]
IG: donababe
I want to enroll in a web design course.
Last week, I received a flyer with information that a grant of $28,000 is available for those who want to be a Web Technician. I immediately submitted the requirements and now waiting for an interview, hopefully this week. Keeping my fingers crossed!
At my age, i am lucky enough to be computer literate and updated on the latest version of Microsoft Office. I even garnered very high marks in MS Word, MS Powerpoint, MS Access and a perfect score in MS Excel evaluation.
However, when it comes to web development and social network integration, I am tech-challenged. Learning Web design is in my bucket list and, with blessings from above, I am determined to achieve this in 2015!
My one big goal this 2015 is to finish a Diploma Course in Multimedia. I never thought that I am going back to school at the age of 30 but being a freelancer and involved in Multimedia projects requires me to equip myself with educational background about it (BTW, I am a Finance grad) so, it is really a need to stay in this industry. 🙂
Ma. Clarice Lao – Itumay
[email protected]
FB: Ma. Clarice Lao – Itumay
Twitter: @valandclai
IG: @valandclai
Mine is very simple but hard to do….Pay off my $10K credit card debt before year ends.
My one big goal (more of a wish) in 2015 is to find something as relevant as the RH Law (I mainly handled this in the legislature!) which I can work on so I can help uplift the lives of even more Filipinos 🙂
Joei recently posted…Anniversary (part 1): The Bathhouse at Qi Wellness Living Tagaytay.
I want to have more time with my kid and if possible to be a work-at-home mom.
Deniese Torres
[email protected]
FB: Deniese torres
Twitter: @deniesetorres
IG: @deniesetorres
My one big goal is to be able to move to our own place by next year and leave the apartment we’ve been staying in for years. The place was good for the two of us but we want somewhere better now that we have a daughter.
Paulline Joy Flores
[email protected]
FB: Paulline Joy Flores
Twitter: milastolemyhart
Instagram: milastolemyheart
Paulline @ milastolemyheart recently posted…Our Weekend Snippets
Hello Paulline! That’s one of my goals too!
Mommy Pehpot recently posted…Sweet Tooth Fix From Leigh’s Treats!
Mommy Pehpot, sana nga no? We can do this!
Paulline @ milastolemyheart recently posted…Party This Weekend at the Sandstorm Electronic Experience
kaya yan! let’s invite each pther pag natuloy ang house warming hahaha
Mommy Pehpot recently posted…Taxi Driver Returns Bag From Jeepney Holdup
Goal ko din yan! Hope to be able to convince my hubby though na it’s time for us to find our own place talaga. 🙂 Good luck to us!
Janice Lim recently posted…A Sneak Peek of the Belle De Jour Power Planner 2015
My big goal for 2015 is to organize my life!
With all the physical and spiritual clutter I had accumulated in the past years, I am dedicating 2015 into preparing my life to start anew by organizing both my physical and spiritual space!
Ma. Milagrosa Guia Baylon
[email protected]
Twitter handle: gbaylon26
Instagram handle: nekomimi26
Facebook post:
Twitter post:
Write my 2nd book and start a public speaking career!
Twitter: teacher_viviene
viviene bigornia recently posted…3 Sacrifices New Moms Should Know About
I’ll work on how to learn how to drive, to ease up my hubby’s stress in driving on our various trips
Rachelle Therese F. Gonzales
[email protected]
Twitter & IG: @dimplesgon
My one big goal for 2015: to be more consistent on my daily devotions with God.
Happy anniversary to you Janice! 😀
Name: Christine Amador
Email: [email protected]
Christine Amador recently posted…Aloe Derma Baby Bare Care Line
My goal for 2015 is that I may be able to help my parents in reconstructing our home (devastated by Ondoy and Habagat and still unfinished due to financial problems). Praying for more blessings this coming 2015 ^^
Full Name: Yvonne Claire M. Bertoldo
Email Address: [email protected]
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Twitter share:
Yvonne Bertoldo recently posted…The Dream Shirt: Printing Your Favorite Books, One Shirt At A Time
My one big goal for 2015: to get more clients for my freelance
Henley Tabal
[email protected]
IG: henlaye
My goal for 2015 is to become a better person and more independent.
Maria Corazon Letada
[email protected]
IG & TW: @coraletada
I would like to help myself develop my skills and improve to my work field. I would like to get a promotion by this year and I’m aiming it before end of 2015!
Glenda Candedeir
[email protected]
Instagram/Twitter: @glendacandedeir
Glenda recently posted…PopStarsManila: Chocolates, Cakes & Truffles Homemade pastry shop
as for me the biggest goal that im aiming is to work abroad so i could raise my three kids on my own,i know it will very hard to leave them but i had too for the sake of their education and needs!
sherry ann gole cruz
[email protected]
fb:ann gole cruz
fb shared:
My 2015 goal is to spend more face-to-face time w/ my family! That means less time in front of a screen, and more playing, more reading, more doing!
Sharisse @ sharissespieces recently posted…5 things I wish my preemie babies would know
My one big goal for 2015 is healthy living, less meat and sweets and more exercise.
Name and FB: Michelle Solee
[email protected]
Twitter and IG: @michisolee
Michi recently posted…Citi Cashback Card
My one big goal that I should work on in 2015 is to have our own house, ever since I got married last July 2012 we rented a place for us which cost Php 10k monthly. Every year I listed the goals that I need to work for and happy to say that each year I accomplished it. Hindi man lahat, pero nagagawa ko naman and so hopefully, in God’s will we can have our dream house.
Rackell recently posted…City Escape with Friends
I’m aiming to be a dance scholar and to be on the dean’s list. Since now i’m taking up Arts Management it a big challenge that I’m willing to face 🙂
@Kinickilig (on twitter and instagram)
My one big goal for 2015 is improve on my financial aspect. To achieve this, here are my sub-goals:
1. Establish my emergency fund
2. Commit on putting Php5,000 monthly on my online stock account with COL Financial
3. Have Php100,000 in my stock investment account at the end of the year
4. Attend seminars and learn as much so I can also share my knowledge
This is my goal because I wanted to achieve my dream of taking my family on a Hong Kong vacation and buying our family a brand new car to which we can fit! 🙂
Arianne Chaezel M. Atienza
Email- [email protected]
Facebook –
Twitter –
IG – arianne_chaezel
Twitter post –
Our (with my hubby) 2015 big goal is to have our own house.
We’ve been renting for more than 7 years now and at the same time still able to manage our finances.
Lotus Shiella Ang
[email protected]
Our (with my hubby) 2015 big goal is to have our own house and hopefully at the same time still be able to manage our finances.
We’ve been renting for more than 7 years now.
Lotus Shiella Ang
[email protected]
2015 will be a big year for us.. for one.. we will be moving to a new home.. one that we can call OUR home..and of course I want to maintain the balance in my life, being a mom, homemaker and a blogger.
but my one big goal for 2015 is to learn how drive… and just thinking about me behind the wheels..nasusuka na ako sa takot!
Mommy Pehpot recently posted…Sweet Tooth Fix From Leigh’s Treats!
Pehpot Pineda
[email protected]
Mommy Pehpot recently posted…Sweet Tooth Fix From Leigh’s Treats!
let me wiiiin! hahaha
Mommy Pehpot recently posted…Taxi Driver Returns Bag From Jeepney Holdup
My one BIG goal for 2015 is to top the Physical Therapist Licensure Examination. 🙂
Twitter: sheguanzing
Instagram: sheguanzing
Facebook: She Guanzing
That one big goal I’ll work on in 2015 is to put up another business. We are not yet sure what kind of business it would be but we are on the planning stage right now to really push through with that next year.
Ma. Elinor Semira
maydoll0513 at gmail dot com
fb: Elinor Semira
twitter: @maydoll77
ig: @mhoie1325
I had been a Certified Bella for years before I converted to be a Certified Positive girl haha. So I already have a planner for next year. But I love EIP’s cover for 2015! The best one so far in my opinion!
Maan recently posted…Kids Say the Craziest Things
One (of the many) big goal(s) for 2015 is to finish my big project in Top secret pa sya. hahaha.
Que Gavan/ [email protected]
Que Sullano – Gavan recently posted…Rudy Project Holiday Sale 2014
My 2015 goal is to spend more time for my familyespecially to my 2 kids
helen gatbonton
[email protected]
fb: helen gatbonton
twitter and ig: @jhendhet
My goal this 2015 is to pass my 5th year comprehensive exams and to graduate on time, laude. My last step to having that CPA initials at the end of my name starts next year!
having this planner could really propel me to get working on my goals and see if the tasks will align with what I want to achieve. All of the kids will soon go to school and I guess I have to look for jobs so I could be a WAHM.
ceemee recently posted…Kindergarten, Cymplified!
Since im a working-mom (hubs is the one who stays at home at the meantime) my big goal for 2015 is to pursue my dream of being a MUA, i started accepting wedding makeup services this July 2014 and i got gigs for august and september i only have to improve my makeup skills and learn more on hairstyling..
Being an office staff.. hands-on mom and a mua freelancer is a multitasking job for me i need to balance everything.. from being a good employee.. to a loving and caring mom and as a beginner (in being a MUA) i know i have more to learn and i want my 2015 a good start of being what i want to be
Rhania Chang/[email protected]
Twitter: @nia2q
IG: @rhaichael
My one big goal is to get a house. Our house. For the baby.
Celerhina Aubrey recently posted…Review: Custaroonery by Gigi Gaerlan
My Big Goal for 2015:
Make 100 random people happy. 😀
is to start up a blog, about traveling and the start of my new adventure in life as I am about to enter the real world after I graduate. I’ve always dream of having my own blog site where I could share my experiences and to show them my own perspective on how I see things.
I want to blog about my explorations that would take place in the future, as I experience my different first times and how I would grow as a person.
Czarina Katherine V. Malibiran
[email protected]
“What’s that one big goal you’ll work on in 2015?”
Find a better online job to help us with our expenses and be able to save money for my kids’ future.
Maria Christina Gumatay
[email protected]
FB: Istin Dizon Paigna
Twitter: istin21
IG: istin_21
Jumpstart my career to be able to help my mom support our grandmother health conditions and have more quality time with my kids
Maricel Fajardo
[email protected]
FB username:
Twitter: @Hya_cel08
I’m a simple person who have dreams and goals in life that’s why i travel hard to the journey of my life. I am grateful this year because all my achievement this year was my biggest success that i really proud of. But this coming year 2015 looking forward for great and awesome “Vince” to explore more about wonderful life. My big goal in 2015 is to have an organization to help the community to gain and enhance their skills to make their life better and to experience what life is! Life is so great. so always smile and stay happy for a brighter day.
Michael Vincent Baldonado
[email protected]
IG: @vin_jamal
What most i love when new year’s coming is the challenges to a Brighter Life. New Life, New environment, New Success on one goal. My goal in 2015 to have more friends who really understand and hang-out with me by inspiring others how to become a good example to everyone and share some ideas to make our life wonderful. I want to have one direction and good future to all youth out there like me and to avoid bad environment. Promoting good education is no.1 way for us. Never stop dreaming and Never stop improving.
Mica May Baldonado
[email protected]
FB link:
IG: @micamay30
For 2015, my one big goal is to take my parents to an out-of-the-country trip. Ever since I was young, they’ve fully dedicated themselves on fulfilling the needs (and some wants) of our big family of seven through our own business. But now that I landed my first job, I believe it’s about time to give back, return the expression of love and get them to have that long overdue dream of a really good vacation abroad.
“What’s that one big goal you’ll work on in 2015?”
My one big goal for 2015 is to start a new business , the business which I have dreamed of when I was little. I have 2 businesses right now, but I want to have another one because it is not easy to earn money these days and it is so easy to spend it on something that we need and want. I have been longing to have a coffeeshop, and our place didn’t have that one just yet. I hope this will materialize in 2015.
Joanne Gonzales
[email protected]
facebook :
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twitter :
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instagram : @zowanderer
zoan recently posted…How To Enhance Video With Movavi Video Editor
My biggest goal this coming 2015 is to be a better and more confident person than I am now, every other little goals will follow.
Stefi René de Torres
[email protected]
FB: Stefi René de Torres
IG: itsmestefi
Twitter: @stefireneee
What’s that one big goal you’ll work on in 2015?
I want to own my own home.
Luningning Arabiran
[email protected]
T: @yingying27
IG: l@luningning27
Roller Coaster Ride on Facebook
Belle de Jour on Facebook
Roller Coaster Ride on Twitter
Belle de Jour on Twitter
Roller Coaster Ride on Instagram
Belle de Jour on Instagram
IG: @luningning27
What’s that one big goal you’ll work on in 2015?
– Work abroad and earn money
– stable job
– Savings
-Travel to the places i’ve never been
– Business!
Riyalyn Gatdula
[email protected]
IG: yurilovesteddy
Followed all steps!
one my many goals for 2015 is to be a more organized work-at-home mum + landing more work opportunities so that i may be able to earn a living even when i stay at home to care for the kiddo!
Vix Parungao
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jared’s mum recently posted…It’s Gonna Be A #MerryMe Christmas With Acer’s “Buy 1 Gift 1″ Promo!
I would want to go back to school and take my masters in child education. I have been putting it off for three years already and I think next year would be the best year for me to start it. Although I have a lot of fears like finances, time with family and work I am determined to start schooling again. This planner will definitely help me achieve this:)
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @thereyoujho
IG: @thereyoujho
Jho Tacorda recently posted…Jollibe Kids Club: Perks for Kids and the Whole Family
If there’s one thing that I really wanted to do for the longest time, it would be starting my own business. And I was able to start an online shop this year. I really want it to be a success, that’s why I promise to myself that I would do everything for it to be a go-to shop of every pinay! Now that I have started, the next big goal is to keep it running and someday hopefully to be at the top. As of now I sell preloved stuff, I wanna create a shop that does not only caters rad stuff for teens and teen-at-heart ladies but also affordable ones! I also want to sell customized stuffs, I wanna join bazaars and hopefully someday, a physical store! And that is my ONE BIG DREAM! I know I cannot achieve these all at once. But atleast this year one of those listed above would happen! I know Everything is Possible. :)))
I hope you can help Ms. Janice by granting this planner wish of mine. 🙂 More power to your blog!
Name: Juvy Junsay Coros
Email: [email protected]
FB: Juvy Junsay Coros
facebook shared link:
twitter: @daintyfreckles //
My biggest goal for 2015 is to start graduate school.
Ashley Clayton
[email protected]
FB: Ashley Clayton
Twitter: Onlyashleecee
Ashley Clayton recently posted…Sunday Funday: Breaking up isn’t so fun
On 2015, I will be working sooooo hard to become a CPA during the 2015 Board Exam =)))
The one big goal I’ll work on this 2015 is my desire to be a certified sewing Momma. I really think sewing will be a great help at least for me. Because also wanted to build cloth diaper stash for my next baby which we’re planning to have late next year. Plus, with all the torn pieces in our closet, sewing skills is needed.
Richelle Molon
[email protected]
Aegeane Mikka Brioso
[email protected]
I am graduating at 2015 and my biggest goal is to retain my grade, and be a cum laude! I wanna find a good job where I can sustain my family’s needs and wants. I love my family so much and I am hoping that 2015 will be good to me, I think it is the year where I can return all the good deeds, their love and sacrifices after so many years. To God be the glory! Thanks for this giveaway! 🙂
What’s that one big goal you’ll work on in 2015?
Putting up a blog where I can put my talent to good use. It’ time to go back to writing.
Jim Marlon A. Macaraeg
Twitter and IG: @macaraeg_jimma
It has been 5 years since I had been separated with my husband die to some unfortunate events. After all those times, I feel that I deserve to be free and happy from the prison that the experience gave. My ultimate goal this 2015 is to save for the separation, and be legally free again so I can start anew. 🙂
Maria Aeden Cedes C Trono
[email protected]
On 2015, I will be working sooooo hard to become at the age of 19. And an oh so awesome planner would really help me to achieve this ultimate goal!!! =)))
I’ve yet to think about my goal for next year..hmmmm…
This is a fabulous giveaway, though and good luck to everyone who will join.
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen recently posted…Trinoma Food Crawl
Biggest goal is to love unconditionally, i’ve seen the devastating consequences of hate in this past year and hope to spread happiness and joy rather than pain in 2015!
One big goal I’ll work on 2015 is I will prioritize healthy lifestyle.
Leilani Gamboa
[email protected]
I want to learn more about photography. I will enroll on photography class and workshops. Looking forward to put also my own studio.
Aldrin Montierro
[email protected]
TW: @abmontierro
My major goal is to become a CPA top-notcher this coming May 2015! Going big next year. 🙂
My big goal that i will work in 2015 is to help and finish our dream house for our parents.
Full Name: Abegail B Licayan
Email Address: [email protected]
IG username: @abbyrich0414
twitter username: @abby0414
fb shared link:
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my big goal for 2015 is to earn and save some money for our children’s future and, of course, to give thanks to our Lord Almighty.
Pamela Paraiso
[email protected]
fb: Pam Ferrer – Paraiso
IG: pam_de_coco
My one big goal this 2015 is to make brentwood academy an outstanding institution. Each day is an exciting day for me in molding young minds and prepare our children grow with smart minds and good soul. I’ll be a brentwood…..more Beautiful Radiant Excellent Nice Thoughtful Wiser Orderly Optimistic Dedicated person this coming year!!!!
My biggest goal would be to change a kid’s life; and those of my other patients. Help, teach and encourage them to become independent. Show them that anything and everything is possible 🙂
IG: @chatchetchitchotchut
My biggest goal would be to change a kid’s life; and the lives of those of my other patients. Help, teach and encourage them to become independent. Show them that anything and everything is possible 🙂
Full name: Jhoanna Louise Quesada
email: [email protected]
IG: @chatchetchitchotchut
My one big goal for 2015 is to SAVE MONEY.
I’ve been working for almost 7 years now and I haven’t save a single penny. I hope owning ‘Everything is Possible’ will push and motivate me to start saving money from my monthly salary, it will guide me to make my goal into reality and it will help me to also inspire others to achieve their goal.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity Miss Janice. Happy 4 years to your blog! More powers to you and God bless! 🙂
Paula Romana Alagao
[email protected]
Facebook acct: Pau-pau Alagao
Twitter name: @Soleika14
Instagram: @soleika14
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My big goal for 2015 is to have a healthier lifestyle. To exercise more, sleep earlier, and eat healthy food. 🙂
Name: lexie tan
Email: [email protected]
I want to move in to our new house and live like what any starting family should be doing. It has been long overdue and I want really focus on that this coming 2015.
I want to improve my time management and writing skills!
Millie Manahan, [email protected]
Social media accounts:
Millie recently posted…Make Great Memories at View Park Hotel Tagaytay #Staycation
I want to lose weight in 2015.
Theresa Cruz-Escaros
[email protected]
FB name: Theresa Cruz-Escaros
Tw: @TereCruzEscaros
IG: @TereCruzEcaros
FB share:
Tw share:
My Big Goal this coming 2015 is to be a good mother and a freelancer writer at the same time. Only had 15% chances of getting pregnant and now my ultimate goal is to be a good mother and at the same time earn money through freelancing.
Name: Ma. Fatima Tanpiuco Garcia
Email: [email protected]
“What’s that one big goal you’ll work on in 2015?”
-The Bug Goal this coming 2015 I will work on is to excel in my workplace. Being a fresh graduate I want to show my fellow workers and my boss that I can also excel and become one of the best. I hope I can meet and exceed their expectations.
Name: Jastene Angelene E. Galacio
IG: @lovelybones729
Twitter: @Jassy_star18
“What’s that one big goal you’ll work on in 2015? ”
This is probably one of the biggest decision me and hubby has ever made. We’ll be leaving Manila next year and will stay for good at my mom’s hometown. With all the opportunities waiting there for me, my 2015 will definitely be a busy one. And I must say that I’m really excited ’cause finally we’ll get to save for our daughter’s future, which is my main goal – financial stability. 🙂 Our own house, will come next! *wink*
Name: MelaineCorazonGarcia
Email: aineblogs(at)gmail(dot)com
Facebook: Aine Garcia
Twitter: @ainyxi
Instagram: @ainyxi
FB Share:
Aine Garcia recently posted…Glorietta Midnight Madness Sale 70% Off – Nov 28-30, 2014
Set out our family finances straight so we could get our own home and our own car.
Pam Baroro ([email protected])
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Pam / Hey, Miss Adventures! recently posted…A Round-Up of the Best and Biggest #Thanksgiving, #BlackFriday and #CyberMonday Deals for You and Your Family!
This is a nice start to my Saturday morning! Thank you, Mommy Janice and The Roller Coaster Ride!!