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Since it’s the new year, I’ve been thinking of new things I can write about here in my blog. Aside from this being an online journal for me, one of my goals for Roller Coaster Ride is for it to be a source of inspiration to other women (and men too), who are also trying to navigate life’s ups and downs.


For my past three years of blogging, I’ve had several people tell me that they are inspired by some of my posts and I’m truly grateful for that. However, I feel that there’s still something lacking. I wish to inspire more people and I realized that in order to do so, I have to share what inspires me too.


One of the things I do when I’m having one of those “down”  moments is to read uplifting quotes. Sometimes I find them in the books I read but most of the time lately, I find them in social media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. I find quotes that I can relate to at that given moment in my life. It’s such a nice feeling whenever I find a quote that resonates exactly what I’m going through and that makes me feel a whole lot better.


So, I want to do exactly that for you readers of mine. Every now and then I’ll be posting about things that inspire me in the hopes that you can get to know me more and at the same time, so that I can inspire you more too. I plan to post not only about quotes but photos, moments, people or anything else I find inspiring.


Let me start this week by sharing with you a very simple quote I found earlier.


Be Here Now

I really like this quote because it reminds me of my ONE WORD for 2014, which is ZEN. Click here if you want to read about why I chose that word. Basically, I want to learn how to be calm, worry less and live for the moment.

Ever since I chose my word I’ve been trying so hard to imbibe it every single day and I have to admit, it becomes a struggle every time I get overwhelmed with everything I have to do for work, chores, kids and hubby. How I wish I can tell you I no longer shout at my kids when I get irritated. How I wish I can say that I now no longer worry. But I can’t.

But I do try my darnest to be PRESENT not just physically, but mentally and emotionally for my family more now. I try harder to not let my mind wander and instead listen more intently to what my kids are saying. When I’m spending time with my family, I stop myself from suddenly leaving the room to do whatever chore my mind tells me I have to do right at that moment. Whenever I find myself worrying about the future, I let myself think about it for a few minutes then distract myself from dwelling on it for longer than that.

Every day I remind myself that what’s important is NOW. While it’s true that we still have to think about the future, it’s no use to put all our energy into worrying about what’s to come. Besides, all we really have is today. Life is too short. I want to REALLY BE HERE now.

How are you doing with your One Word for the year? Are you also struggling to live in the moment?

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  1. This is a great reminder for me. Admittedly, it is a struggle to be totally present when we have a lot of things going on in our minds. But then, who cares (and knows) what we will be facing with the next day 🙂 Thanks for this!

  2. This is similar to one of my life mottos: Carpe Diem. It’s so easy to get caught up in the planning and looking forward to goals that the moments pass by unnoticed. And then before you know it, you’ve missed the small but important happenings like your kid’s smiles or the chance to help someone in need.
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