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Do any of you know what an umbilical hernia is? I didn’t have a clue until a doctor diagnosed Kai with one last December.

According to Medline Plus (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000987.htm), “an umbilical hernia is an outward bulging (protrusion) of the abdominal lining or part of the abdominal organ(s) through the area around the belly button”.  Simply put, it just means that the belly button is protruding or coming out.  It is apparently very common in babies and also with very old people. Kai started to notice his belly button coming out two years ago, thinking that it will correct itself, which is what happens with babies. But according to his doctor, this is not true for adults as there is danger of it getting worse. Think…..your fat or intestines can come out. Gross! And not to mention, dangerous!

So, because of that danger, Kai decided to have his umbilical hernia repaired, thus his trip to the hospital last week. He was admitted to the hospital on Thursday night in order to prepare for the operation, which was scheduled early the next day at 7am. I was super nervous, to say the least. Any operation is a risk, right? It didn’t help to know that his operation was going to be a minor one and that he can go home the next day. It was a very good thing, though, that the procedure was going to be covered almost entirely by his HMO. One thing less to worry about.  It also didn’t help that a few days before he was admitted, Ziya got really sick. She kept vomiting, from food to juice and even water. Eventually, she started having fever too and that meant two sleepless nights for me. Add to the fact that Zoe had to start school again already. It was a super hectic and tiring week. Good thing that Ziya finally felt better the day that Kai had to be admitted. Hay!

It has been four days now since Kai’s operation. He was really in pain the first few days. It’s only now that the pain is starting to subside. He’ll be going to his follow up check-up with his doctor tomorrow and we’re hoping that the wound is already starting to heal. Nevertheless, he’s not allowed to carry heavy stuff or to do any strenuous activities. Plus, he has to start dieting soon, hehehe…

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