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I’ve seen a lot of local celebrities already however, I never really felt star struck by their presence. I don’t know how I will react, though, if I ever get so lucky as to see some of my most favorite international stars. I don’t think I’d be the type who will jump around, scream and act crazy. But anyway, let me tell you about getting to meet one of the Philippines brightest stars ever, Lea Salonga.

Back in 2007, I visited my sister in New York, where she lives and works. The visit was really super short but we wanted to make the most out of it since it was my first time in New York. One of the things we really planned to do was watch a Broadway play. Luckily, Les Miserables was on at that time and Lea Salonga played Fantine. It was the greatest plays I’ve ever seen in my entire life and I really felt so proud that I saw Lea in it. In a group of actors of various races, she was clearly the best on that stage. Her voice was just amazingly perfect! I’ve never been more proud to be Filipino.
The best thing though was waiting at the door after the play to get a chance to see her up close and get her autograph. To our surprise, lots of people in the audience also did the same thing. The audience clamored to get autographs and photos of the cast but guess who was the most in demand of them all…. Lea, of course! There were just so many people clamoring to get her autograph and photo that by the time she finished with all of them the other cast members were already gone. She was the last of them to leave! That was the first time ever that I actually felt star struck.
It was one of my most unforgettable moments. Luckily, I was able to capture the moment. Here’s a photo of me, my sister, Joan, and Lea.Β 

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  1. wow, what a cool experience you have kung ako din yun papicture din ako.. hehehe.. was ehre for Gt hope you can visit back.

  2. wow you are so blessed indeed!! πŸ˜€ love lea!! πŸ˜€

  3. i am such a lea fan! rarely do you find beauty, talent, wit and intelligence all rolled into one… proud pinoy talaga! please visit my gt entry at http://methewoman.com/2011/04/14/girl-talk-biggest-fan/

  4. she makes the Filipinos proud. and i heard she is really nice to all the fans πŸ™‚

    Thanks for indulging my star struck daze. Never hesitate to drop by my STREET.

    Happy GT!

  5. That is such an awesome experience. That would have been great to see Les Mis on Broadway… I LOVE it!

    Thanks for joining the Mingle With Us Blog Hop:)

  6. what a beautiful experience you had. i like lea too. her voice is magical. i remember that i used to buy her tapes (di pa uso ang CD noon hehe…)when i was young. i watched one of her plays too. sa CCP nga lang. =)

  7. I don’t ever get star struck either. I might though if I ran into Oprah or Obama, but maybe not.

    I am glad you got a picture of your moment.



  8. I am super envious!!!! Lea is definitely one of admired stars!

  9. i envy you!i was once lea’s biggest fans, i fancied myself of becoming just like her when i grow up, back when i was little!but it was all a fantasy since i don’t really have the talent πŸ˜‰
    happy GT!

  10. wow! wow! wow! la akong masabi!
    lucky you mommy ice..
    Late Visiting from Girls Talk! πŸ™‚ Happy weekend!
    To die for Celebrity

  11. wow! i'd been a Lea Salonga fan since i was a young girl.. you are so lucky!

  12. awww.. she’s so accommodating! and so beautiful too! you must have been very excited and glad to finally meet her πŸ™‚

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