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This is my entry to Techie She’s Lucky Blogger Weekly Giveaways Week 18. This week’s prize is $10 paypal credits from WAHWM of Work at Home Wife and Mother.
I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for a year and one month now. It has been one very interesting ride, I must say. I just love being with my kids so much that it’s hard to even fathom the idea of going back to work. The corporate world doesn’t excite me anymore. I guess, it never did, really. However, I do miss the income coming from a steady job. Living in a one-income family is certainly not easy in this day and age and so I am on constant look out for ways to earn more money while staying home.
For the past ten months now, I’ve been working on this blog and I’m happy to say that I’ve earned some money from it. The earnings are not yet regular because the writing jobs don’t come that often yet. However, I am hopeful that more will come soon. I just don’t think that it will be enough though. I wish that there’s some other way I can earn more without having to succumb to the workforce again. I’d love to have my own home-based business to supplement the hubby’s income. He works so hard and he deserves to enjoy life. A supplemental income will help us do just that. So, here’s wishing that I get more writing assignments soon. 

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1 Comment

  1. i’m also a stay at home wife and mom like you janice so i could relate on the not missing the corporate life but missing the steady income thing. here’s wishing to more writing opps for you (and me). regards!

    Sheryl of GEORYL
    aka Techie She

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