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Being a mom in a mostly one-income family is not a walk in the park. Budgeting can be a real pain especially since there is often just enough for the family to get by. The priorities are of course, the basic needs and after that, there is little left for other things that are deemed as luxuries. Part of those luxuries involves pampering myself. It has been SO LONG since I’ve gone to a salon for anything more than a haircut. So, when Martine De Luna of Dainty Mom hosted a nail spa date giveaway, I didn’t think twice about joining. What do you know? I ended up being one of two winners. Hooray!
I cannot even begin to describe the excitement I felt over winning. I was excited because 1) I was going to receive a mani-pedi for free, 2) I was finally going to have an actual ME-time and 3) I was going to spend it with Martine, who has been one of my favorite mommy bloggers ever since I started blogging almost two years ago. I have always wished I’d meet her someday and that day finally happened last July 14, 2012.
The nail spa date was sponsored by Bliss Nail and Day Spa, located at the Ground Floor, Elizabeth Hall, Katipunan Ave., Quezon City and is owned by a generous lady (who I had the pleasure of meeting that day too), Pia Dysangco.
I arrived at the location 30 minutes early (I told you I was excited about it!). Martine and the other winner, who I later learned was Chrissy Caballero of Changing Nappies in High Heels (Yup! She’s a mommy blogger too.), were not there yet. So, I took that opportunity to take photos of the place.
View from the door
The soothing colors of the cozy place and the sight of those couches immediately relaxed me. The place is just the right size for a group of girlfriends to hang out, talk and have fun getting mani-pedis. The staff are friendly and accommodating. They offer nail and day spa services not only for women, but also for men and kids too. They even have packages for couples, moms and their tween daughters and of course, for barkadas as well. For more info on Bliss Nail and Day Spa, click hereΒ to go to their Facebook page or call (02) 502-0257.
When Martine and Chrissy arrived, our nail spa session (and chit chat) officially began. Oh, there was a lot of chit chat. Actually, the two hours we spent there talking was quite not enough for me. We shared stories about our lives plus of course, our experiences in blogging. Martine was kind enough to share some tips that Chrissy and I can use to improve our blogs. Thanks Martine!
Photo courtesy of Chrissy Caballero
Photo courtesy of Chrissy Caballero
Bliss Nail and Day Spa offers a variety of nail polish brands and a wide array of colors. I chose the Misa organic polish because I’ve never tried organic nail polish before. I love that we can prettify ourselves by using organic products. For my nails, I chose a pale, barely-there pink while I chose a darker pink shade for my toes. Check it out!
Don’t you just love it? I do! It was truly the perfect pamper ME-time. Not only did I get a very relaxing mani-pedi but I also met and had fun with new mommy blogger friends.
Thanks so much, Pat, for sponsoring the giveaway. Thanks a lot too, Martine, for choosing me as one of the winners. It was truly one blissful experience.

Ice Signature

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  1. I hope you’ll host a spa giveaway & I’ll be the winner. πŸ™‚

    1. I would love to host a spa giveaway if someone will sponsor it. πŸ™‚ I’ll definitely let you know if that happens.

  2. Hey Ice! πŸ™‚ Nice post on our date! πŸ™‚ My post will follow soon πŸ™‚

    1. Yey! I’m looking forward to reading it. Thanks again for the photos!:D

  3. one word, envy!haha hope you had a great ME time…

    1. Thanks Icar. I did have a great ME time. πŸ˜€

  4. Love it! It was SO nice to meet you, Janice. The thing with social media is that you never really get to know w person until you eyeball with them. I’m glad I met you and that I have a new friend πŸ™‚ See you soon!

    1. It was really nice meeting you too. Hope we can hang out again some time. πŸ™‚ Thanks again for choosing me!

  5. I love the color on your nails!

    1. Thanks! I love it too! It was actually hard to choose coz there were so many pretty colors. πŸ˜€

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