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If you’re like me, I religiously follow blogs, other websites as well as businesses online. I can no longer count how many newsletter subscriptions I have. My email is full of them and I love it because I get to find out what’s new from these sites and businesses faster than everybody else. I’ve actually encountered one newsletter from a blog I follow that is just so pretty that I decided I want one for my blog too. So, I tried the email marketing service that was used but it was just too complicated. Fortunately, I came across the Mad Mimi email marketing site.
Businesses (yes, including blogs too) nowadays have so many options to promote their products and services. They can still opt to use traditional marketing tools, such as print, radio and TV. However, the faster and more cost effective way to connect to present and future customers is by way of Internet marketing, which includes social media and email marketing. Sounds cool but if you’re not really a techie person it can be quite intimidating. Mad Mimi, though, makes email marketing simple and beautiful. Create, Send, Connect – it’s as simple and as fast as that!
With Mad Mimi, you don’t need to be a professional designer or technical person to make beautiful HTML emails. You can make use of their themes and templates that can be customized to suit your taste. You can also take advantage of the other extremely helpful features such as List Management, Reports & Tracking, Delivery and Security, Integration as well as a long list of add ons. Mad Mimi offers packages that suit your needs for as low as $8 a month. However, you can also grab their free plan that lets you connect to up to 100 contacts.

I am super excited to finalize my own email marketing newsletter and I’m excited for all my subscribers to receive it. I’m sure once you see it you’ll be inspired to create one for yourself or your business too.

Ice Signature

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post for Mad Mimi, however, all the points and views are my own.

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