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Recently, I attended a workshop catered to WAHMs (work-at-home moms). One of the topics discussed in the workshop included setting up a home office. I was really interested to hear what the other WAHMs had to share about this topic. I’ve been comparing myself to other WAHMs recently because I want to know what things we have in common and if there are certain areas I can improve on in order to be a more successful WAHM.
Anyway, I was expecting the expert WAHMs to say that they have set up a private office space in their home, where they can just focus on work and be away from distractions, such as the chores, the TV, the kids, the hubby etc. Much to my surprise, a lot of them don’t even really have a home office. Most of them just have a small work space or desk that’s not located in a quiet or private location. And here I was feeling bad about my own work space at home. 
Well, I don’t have an ideal work space. In fact, it’s a bit boring and could benefit from some home decoration ideas to make it more inspiring for me to work at. I suppose, if you’re also a WAHM you’d be curious as to where I get all my work done. So, I decided to share my work space with you. Here it is.
See? It’s nothing special. It’s just a desk with a computer and a printer, speakers, lots of paper, some drawers filled with office supplies and other junk, etc. Like I said, it’s boring. Also, it’s located in our bedroom, where there’s lots of distractions, such as the TV (conveniently placed just beside my computer screen, haha!), my hubby and my baby. It’s actually amazing that I have accomplished so much work in this space. 
Honestly, I still dream I’d have a Martha Stewart-worthy office/library someday, one with tall bookshelves, tall windows, window seats, carpets and plush pillows. Maybe one day that dream will come true. For now, though, this will do. It may not be Martha Stewart-worthy but this humble office holds a special place in my heart. It is where I first started blogging. It is where I first became a writer and it’s where I am now starting to set up an online business. I guess, to a certain extent, you can say that it is where some of my biggest dreams have come true.
What does your home office look like? Share it with me!

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