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Having three kids is definitely fun but it can also be very overwhelming at times. You’d think that by now I’d be used to it since I’ve had three kids for the past 2 1/2 years already. Well, some things are easier because of the rules and routines we follow but there are still instances that leave me either clueless, helpless or just plain tired. Yes, motherhood is stressful.

For an OC like me, relaxing and letting go of stuff when things don’t go my way is not easy all the time. I tend to stress over the most minute details. However, because I’m now leading a WAHM life without any helpers or nannies around, I’ve learned to let some things slide and not worry so much. I’ve also learned to take a break when needed and carve out some me-time so that I can de-stress every so often. Because of these things, I can say that I am a lot happier.

If you’re a mom living a stressful life, you’re not alone. There are a lot of us! However, you don’t have to be so stressed. There are effective ways to cope and you can learn a lot of them from this upcoming workshop called Be Happy, Go Stress Free, to be held on Sunday, September 8, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Babyland in Mandaluyong City. It is organized by Manila Workshops and will be conducted by Jayme Gatbonton, the Optimommy herself.

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Here’s some more info about the workshop:

The “Be Happy, Go Stress Free” workshop is for moms who are ready to give up stress and for them to allow themselves to have a calmer and happier life.  We highly recommend that you attend this workshop if…


  • You are a busy working mom living a high – stress life and you want to learn a fast tool to feel more confident and more calm even as you try to balance building a career and nourishing a family.
  • You are a Work at home or stay at home mom and you want to have an easy stress reliever to help you manage the pressures of making a living while making a home almost 24/7.
  • You’ve gained weight because of stress eating and you want to kickstart your weight loss journey on the right foot.
  • You always worry about money and you want to feel more confident about your finances so you can figure out how to keep it flowing in your life.
  • You are open, willing and ready to practice  a simple yet effective tool to change your life and to share your insights with fellow moms.

If you’re ready for a calmer and happier life, register for the workshop now. The fee is only Php 1,000.00. Invite two more friends and avail the group rate of only Php 800.00.

I’ve attended other workshops organized by Manila Workshops and believe me when I tell you that they’ve all been extremely helpful to me. So, what are you waiting for? Click here to register now!


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