Last March 22, 2018, I went to attend the launch of the new HP Spectre X2 at Okada Manila. I’ve been scouting for a new …
Unleash Your Creativity with the New HP Spectre X2

Planning. Passions. Parenthood.
Last March 22, 2018, I went to attend the launch of the new HP Spectre X2 at Okada Manila. I’ve been scouting for a new …
For the past year, I’ve been thinking of a potential business idea. I wanted to use my passion for creative planning and turn it into …
Air quality is of great concern to us as a family. With an asthmatic hubby and two young kids who inherited the asthma genes from …
Our family loves attending educational yet fun events. That’s because we believe that learning is best done through play. Well, this month, we’re going to …
We all know that Filipinos love taking selfies and that the Philippines is known for being the “selfie capital of the world”. What I didn’t …