Hey, everyone! I’m back! I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA here lately. Life has been so hectic. So much has happened. There are so many …
Mideer Domino Puzzle Traffic Toy Review and Giveaway!

Planning. Passions. Parenthood.
Hey, everyone! I’m back! I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA here lately. Life has been so hectic. So much has happened. There are so many …
A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about our review of the Mighty Mini Band that we got from Toytag, an online store of educational …
Our baby Zander will be turning 2 in less than a month and it has been a joy watching him develop into such a sweet, …
Our family loves attending educational yet fun events. That’s because we believe that learning is best done through play. Well, this month, we’re going to …
Our family loves educational toys and materials especially since they provide us with a fun way to homeschool our son, Ziggy. So when Kidoozi emailed …