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My One Word for the year 2020 is RECLAIM and one of the things I want to reclaim is my health. The truth is, I’ve gained a lot of weight these past few years and I don’t feel as strong as I want to be. Since I’m not getting any younger, I figured that when it comes to reclaiming my health it’s now or never.

With that in mind, I wanted to track some things regarding my health in my planner so that I can always keep myself in check. So far, I have a medicine log, doctor visits log, and my monthly health log that includes various health routines or incidents I want to keep track of.

If you’re at a loss as to what types of health and fitness things you can track in your planner, I’ve listed down 40 of them to help you get started.

  1. Vitamin Intake
  2. Medicine Intake
  3. Health Log
  4. Skin Care Routine
  5. Hair Care Routine
  6. Period
  7. Headache
  8. Anxiety
  9. Depression
  10. Mood Log
  11. Allergies
  12. Doctors Visits
  13. Water Intake
  14. Meals / Food Intake
  15. Exercise / Workouts
  16. Self-Care Routine
  17. Pain Tracker
  18. Therapy Notes
  19. Weight Log
  20. Body Measurements
  21. Blood Sugar
  22. Blood Pressure
  23. Headache or Migraine
  24. Sleep
  25. Stress Levels
  26. Triggers
  27. Medical Expenses
  28. Medical Insurance
  29. Dental Records
  30. Vaccination Records (kids and pets)
  31. Moods
  32. Intermittent Fasting
  33. Healthy Habits
  34. Health Goals Progress
  35. Health Products Inventory
  36. Calorie Log
  37. Baby Care
  38. Cardio
  39. Meal Plan
  40. Recipes

I hope this list helps you track your health more this year. There are so many more things to track that will depend on your personal health and fitness issues. Just think about what you need and start figuring out how you can best track them in your planner.

There are many health and fitness planner inserts in many layouts and sizes available online. They come either in printed or in printable versions. However, you don’t really need them. You can just use any paper you want or any type of planner or notebook you prefer. Just choose one that works for you. The most important thing is that you be consistent in your tracking.

To see more of my planner system, follow me on my Instagram planner account, @mommyplannerista.plans.

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